
Delta 8: How Much Should First-Time Buyers Get?

How Much Delta 8 Should You Take?

Maybe you're just curious, or maybe a friend of a friend told you about delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Delta-8 is often touted as the delta-9 THC alternative that can yield euphoric effects without the usual pitfalls. If you're here, you probably landed here because you are seriously considering trying delta 8 effects for yourself. So, how much delta 8 should you get? How much will you need? Let's take a closer look. This is a subtitle for your new post

Maybe you're just curious, or maybe a friend of a friend told you about delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Delta-8 is often touted as the delta-9 THC alternative that can yield euphoric effects without the usual pitfalls. If you're here, you probably landed here because you are seriously considering trying delta 8 effects for yourself. So, how much delta 8 should you get? How much will you need? Let's take a closer look. This is a subtitle for your new post
How Many Delta 8 Gummies Should You Take?

Start with a Delta 8 Trial Run or a Bit of Variety

Experimenting with delta 8 can be fun—you have so many options to try, from tinctures to vapable oils. However, delta 8 edibles are hands-down the most popular option. Edibles are a good choice for first-time users because they are totally non-intimidating and easy to dose. Edibles also settle in slowly, so you're not immediately hit with the full-on effects. While experimentation with different products is a good way to try different experiences for yourself, trial packs of D8 gummies are easy to find if you don't have a lot to invest. For example, at Galaxy Treats, we have a full selection of two-piece trial packs, such as Starberry Delta 8 Gummies (2- 25mg Gummies) for five bucks.

Control Delta 8 Effects with the Best Dosage for You

D8 does not affect each user equally, so formal dosing guidelines do not exist. Nevertheless, sticking with a conservative range based on your own experience with THC is usually a safe bet. As a first-timer, it is a good idea to stick to a small dose, such as 10 to 15mg, even if that means taking only a half a gummy. For example, if you plan to try Galaxy Treats Starberry Delta 8 Gummies, which are 25mg each, you may want to cut a gummy in half for the first try (12.5mg).
Delta 8 THC Effects
The risks of overdoing it with delta-8 THC is much lower than with typical delta-9 THC. Some researchers estimate that delta 8 is about two-thirds as potent. As an adage, the lower potency can mean a better therapeutic effect without leaving you totally over the moon.

Opt for a Quality Product for the Best Delta 8 Experience

When you do decide to give delta 8 THC a try, buy from a brand that has a good reputation. These brands are easy to spot; they're open about extraction methods, ingredients, and will always offer a lab report or certificate of analysis (COA) openly. The COA shows you the potency levels of the cannabinoids in the product, whether any heavy metals or toxins were detected, and information about the testing laboratory. For reference, you can take a look at Galaxy Treats' COA here.

Things to Know About the Effects of Delta 8 as a First-Timer

Will delta 8 show up on a drug test?

Even though delta-8 and delta-9 are two different cannabinoids, they may metabolize the same after consumption because they have such a similar molecular structure. Therefore, D8 THC can metabolize into the same THC-COOH metabolites, which is what most drug tests are going to detect. With that being said, it is best to use caution if you are anticipating a drug test any time soon. The metabolites may be detectable for between one and six weeks.

Are there therapeutic delta 8 benefits?

The delta-8 cannabinoid has not been examined extensively, but there are some speculated therapeutic benefits of delta 8 THC. Some of those benefits include:
  • Helping deter nausea
  • Calming anxious thoughts or feelings
  • Helping with pain
  • Supporting nerve function

How long will the effects of delta 8 last?

Consuming delta-8 THC gummies can yield a unique experience for everyone. Generally, you can expect to feel the effects within an hour or two, and those effects may linger for a while. Be sure to take a single dose, wait a few hours and monitor how you feel, before consuming more. Likewise, be sure to try delta-8 when you're safely at home and won't be driving or doing anything that will require your full attention.

Prepare for Liftoff with High-Quality Delta 8

With all things considered, the only thing left to do is to pick your product and give the effects of delta 8 THC a try for yourself. Ready for liftoff? We've got you more than covered at Galaxy Treats. Not only are our Delta 8 Gummies hemp derived and free of delta 9 products, but they are also available in a convenient, $5 two-pack just perfectly priced for a test run. Check out our delta 8 shop, our COA, and our blog for a complete guide for beginners.


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